New Build
The Art & Craft of Architecture applies to new design at all scales. Whatever the scale, our approach of how to achieve good design applies. The Practice aims to get a very thorough understanding of the Client’s wishes, the issues and context before considering the most appropriate design and style.
At a large scale, the Practice has experience of several ‘Scottish Sustainable Communities Initiative’ (SSCI) projects, eg. An Camas Mòr in the Cairngorms National Park. As professional members of the Princes Foundation, the Practice places emphasis on community consultation and properly understanding a place before considering place-making. We consider employment a fundamental requisite, along with the pleasure an attractive place can bring. Our expertise in economic, social as well as environmental sustainability gives practical solutions that people like and our fundamental aim is to make places where everyone would wish to live. Work of this scale is always done in association with other firms.
At a smaller scale, our knowledge of materials and workmanship gives us an approach which is not so common. The Practice enjoys working on new houses and their landscape setting where appropriate. Some of the intangibles which are given close attention are lighting and acoustics, along with pattern, colour and texture. Ironmongery, furniture, carpets and stained glass are many aspects covered by the Practice.
At whatever scale, our approach is methodical, based on good communications and aims to see excellent results.